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Brandon Flowers Biography

Brandon Flowers


Date of Birth
21 December 1981, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Birth Name
Brandon Richard Flowers

Mr. Brightside
Rocket Man

5' 10" (1.78 m)

Mini Biography
Born on June 21, 1981 in Las Vegas, Brandon Richard Flowers is the youngest of six children. Having grown up in the small town of Nephi, Utah, his best chances of getting into music were the cassettes given to him by his older brother, Shane. However, during Brandon's junior year in high school, the Flowers family returned to Las Vegas. While playing in various keyboard bands as side hobbies (most notably the failed band Blush Response), Brandon worked as a bellhop at the Gold Coast and Caesar's Palace hotels. In 2002, abandoned by Blush Response, Brandon attended an Oasis concert and was inspired to dedicate his musical career to a full-fledged rock band. Later that year, he responded to a scouting ad submitted to a local Vegas newspaper by Dave Keuning and the two began writing songs almost immediately. Enter Mark Stoermer and Ronnie Vannucci, long-time admirers of Brandon and Dave's early efforts, who struck up a friendship with the aspiring rockers and completed the musical quartet that brought new-found glory home to Las Vegas: the Killers. The rest, as they say, is history...

  • Contrary to popular belief, Flowers is indeed his actual last name.
  • Worked as a bellhop for the Gold Coast Hotel and the Cesar's Palace Hotel before forming his band with friend David Keuning.
  • Married longtime girlfriend Tana Munblowsky on a beach in Hawaii.
  • Has four sisters: Stephanie, Shelly, Amy, and April, and one brother: Shane. His mother's name is Jean and his father's is Terry.
  • Favorite movies are 'Moulin Rouge', 'Forrest Gump' and 'Napoleon Dynamite'.
  • Favorite song on the Hot Fuss album is 'Jenny Was a Friend of Mine'.
  • Stated in an interview that their song 'Where Is She?' is dedicated to a thirteen- year-old girl who was kidnapped and murdered. Interestingly enough, she had attended one of their concerts in Scotland.
  • Youngest child of a family from Las Vegas. Curiously, he is also the youngest member of the Killers.
  • His only brother, Shane, is 12 years older than him.
  • Born in Las Vegas and raised in Nephi, Utah. Returned to Las Vegas when he was 16, where he lived with his aunt.
  • He has English, German, French, Dutch, Scottish, and Lithuanian ancestry.
  • Performed a duet of 'In A Little While' with U2 after Bono's voice began to give out at a concert in Las Vegas.
  • Wanted to be a professional golfer at one point.
  • According to himself, the worst thing he has ever done was stealing wine coolers at the age of 11.
  • Voted for Ralph Nader in 2004.
  • Often has problems with his tonsils.
  • The song "Mr. Brightside" is about his former girlfriend who was cheating him.
  • He wanted to move to England when he was younger. London is also one of his favorite cities, along with his hometown of Las Vegas.
  • Favorite musicians: The Smiths, Duran Duran, Morissey, U2, and Oasis.
  • Was accidentally splashed with beer during a concert in Scotland, soaking his keyboard and causing it to fail.
  • Was once locked out of the band's tour car by band mate Dave Keuning.
  • His favorite classical musician is the composer Bach.
  • Presented (along with the rest of the Killers) by rock legend Axel Rose at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards.
  • Regards the Strokes as his favorite band of all time.
  • Not to be confused with Brandon Lavar Flowers, a defensive back at Virginia Tech (2006).
  • Despite his standing position as the Killers' front man, he can also play some guitar and even provides additional bass in the song 'For Reasons Unknown'.
  • Has been weary of flying ever since December of 2003, when a plane flying the Killers to the United Kingdom hit an air pocket and started free-falling.
  • Wrote the song 'My List' for his wife, Tana.
  • Favorite song on Sam's Town is 'Read My Mind'.
  • Cousin of professional golfer Craig Barlow.
  • Until January of 2006, he was still driving an old Hyundai with a broken window.
  • His first car was stolen, along with the golf equipment he kept in it.
  • The music video for 'Read My Mind' features a scene in which a caterpillar-like creature discovers the Killers bunked in tiny sleeping quarters. While filming this particular segment, Brandon and Dave were really asleep.
  • Is a very skilled pianist and performed 'When You Were Young' and 'Sam's Town' on a baby grand piano during a 2006 recording session at Abbey Road. This version of 'Sam's Town' is included on the Sawdust album.
  • His favorite actor is James Spader.
  • Attended Chaparral High School in Las Vegas, as did fellow band member Mark Stoermer.
  • The song 'Uncle Jonny' tells the true story of Brandon's uncle battling and overcoming a cocaine addiction.
  • In 2001, he was a member of a keyboard band called Blush Response, but was kicked out after refusing to move to Los Angeles with them. Shortly thereafter, he met Dave Keuning for the first time.
  • Was suffering from acute bronchitis in early December of 2006, yet still took the stage for the K.R.O.Q. Almost Acoustic Christmas party in Los Angeles.
  • He and his wife welcomed their first child, son Ammon Richard Flowers, on July 14 (2007).
  • One of his favorite songs is 'Crystal' by New Order, the music video of which was the inspiration for the Killers' name. Much to his excitement, he was invited to perform a duet of the song with New Order on stage in 2005.
  • Discovered he could sing when Blush Response, his previous band, was having trouble settling on a competent vocalist. The group decided to have Brandon try and was surprised to find he was actually quite talented.
  • Taught himself keyboards, despite having piano lessons as a child.
  • Is good friends with Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. Both bands toured Australia's Big Day Out 2007 festival and the two stay in touch via e-mail.
  • Because his fellow band members stand over 6 feet and he does not, Brandon is often thought to be much shorter than he actually is. In reality, the Killers can be readily described as one of the tallest modern bands; Brandon is still quite tall by average standards at 5' 11", followed by drummer Ronnie Vannucci at 6' 0.5", guitarist Dave Keuning at 6' 2.5", and bassist Mark Stoermer at a towering 6' 5".
  • Quit smoking on November 22, 2006 but started again in 2008.
  • The song 'Goodnight, Travel Well' (set to be the closing track on the forthcoming album, 'Day & Age') is a tribute to Brandon's mother, who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, and Dave Keuning's mother, who recently passed away.
  • The lyric in the song 'Human' (Are we Human/or are we Dancer?) is a nod to a disparaging quote by Hunter S. Thompson that claimed America is raising "a generation of dancers".
  • Revealed in an interview that, when he was little, he had a phobia of men with beards.
  • Second son, Gunner Flowers, was born the week of August 3, 2009, joining older brother, Ammon Richard Flowers (2yrs). Brandon said they chose that unique name because it is a tough name. "I had to have something that combats against the Flowers.".
  • Has been offered several film roles over the years, all of which he's declined because he prefers to stay focused on music.
  • Third son, Henry, was born on March 9, 2011 with wife Tana.
  • On-stage wardrobe often reflects the overall motif of the band's current album/tour (Western formal for Sam's Town, feather jacket and bolo tie for Day & Age, short sleeves and leather jacket for Battle Born, etc.).
  • At work writing songs for the next Killers album, with plans to begin recording by the end of the year. [October 2011]
  • The new Killers album, Battle Born, was released. Their world tour was also announced, to be starting on October in Glasgow and including show dates in all the continents for the rest of the year and 2013. [September 2012]
  • Touring across the United States to promote "Sam's Town", their new album due for release on October 13. [September 2006]
  • New solo album 'Flamingo' announced to be coming soon. [April 2010]
  • Currently in London with fellow band members, wrapping up their second album. [June 2006]
  • As of yet, he and his band are still on their Sam's Town tour. [June 2007]
  • Announced that the Killers have begun recording demos for their third studio album, the follow-up to 2006's 'Sam's Town'. According to Brandon, the new album will return to the Killers' roots, reintroducing the sound and style for which their first album 'Hot Fuss' made them famous. [April 2008]
  • The music video to "Can't Deny My Love" is based on "Young Goodman Brown", a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • There's a moment in the music video to "Human" where Brandon looks down and points to the sky. At that moment, the Eagle flies over him.
  • Trademarks:
  • Often wears slick, stylish, and sometimes abstract formalwear during concerts.
  • Expressive hand and body movements
  • Frequently jumps up and sings atop the stage speakers during live shows
  • Quotes
  • It is hard to stay normal in Vegas.
  • Controversy is never a bad thing.
  • I guarantee I am better than anyone who does drugs.
  • When I was younger I was chubby. It gave me a terrible sense of self-image, and I guess I carry that around with me still.
  • "America is still getting used to the word "gay," and when you've got a band that's seen as this gay thing, instantly there's going to be a wall that's going to get put up." (On the controversy surrounding the Pet Shop Boys)
  • I have never done illegal drugs in my whole life. Not even a drag of a joint.
  • I've always had this thing about it not really mattering where you're from, because there's always been this big cloud over America saying you have to live in LA or you have to live in New York to make it. I always knew it didn't matter as long as you had the songs.
  • We want to be important and to last.
  • "When you look at America and see a big hamburger, or whatever it is that you see, they definitely took a bite out of it." (Referring to the Pet Shop Boys)
  • "You don't have to be a poet to say something profound." (When asked what his favorite quote was)
  • I think we are the cleanest band in the world, and we are also the busiest. I think these two things go together.
  • I am a self-confessed cocaholic.
  • Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, I would love to rent the "World of Coca Cola Museum".
  • Move to America! (answering a Canadian fan's question how to "survive" high school)
  • I'm allowed to think that it [Sam's Town] is the best album in twenty years, but I'll have my opinion and other people are going to have theirs.
  • Well, we are under the universal umbrella, as they say. - When asked if he was surprised by the Killers' worldwide popularity.
  • People are coming together, as a family, because our brothers and sisters in Africa need our help, so let's change their worlds. - Live 8 (2005).
  • Concerning the constant misinterpretation of the lyrics to 'Human' -- That sucks a bit. I don't like 'Are we denser?' as an alternative. I really care what people think, but they don't seem to understand [the song]. They think it's nonsense, but I was aching over those lyrics for a very long time to get them right.
  • Crossfire's done very well. I knew it was a great song but I didn't know it would be so big. Critics maybe come to the album having written a review before they heard it but it's a great record and there's a reason I'm here. We've had awful reviews in the past and it hasn't hurt us so I don't know why I care.
  • My favourite Cars song is Heartbeat City. I haven't met them. I heard early on that Ric Ocasek didn't like us. I've met just about every one of my other musical heroes, such as Bono and Elton John. I was surprised when Bernard Sumner from New Order said he liked us.
  • I'm looking forward to getting older. I look at people like Peter Gabriel and Sting and even Tom Petty, Don Henley. People that didn't lose it. I'm hopefully going to join that club.
  • [as frontman for The Killers] In the beginning I was thin-skinned - green, with tender feet - and had no idea what I was getting myself into. But we have lot of shows under our belt now and hopefully these experiences have made me a better writer and a better person.
  • People are there to hear songs that they've already grown attached to from the past, and we don't want to withhold those from people, so we've just got to try to find a nice balance. And we're working that out. It always baffles me when bands withhold those songs. But we're proud of them. We're thankful that people are there. Give 'em what they want.
  • Close your eyes/ Our bed is hidden under/ underneath the heavy Moon./ The Eyes of God/ Are watching over us/ making sure we keep the Golden Rule/ I always thought I'd have a/ full tank to go/ but not tonight/ you're all alone/ I always thought I'd find my/ own way/ what's going on in your head, now/ maybe something you said, now/ I know that you've been living in the past/ It's driving me crazy!/ You can try to lie/ but you can't deny/ can't deny/ can't deny my Love./ You can run to the Hillside!/ You can try to hide but you/ can't deny/ can't deny/ can't deny/ can't deny my Love./ Can't deny my Love.

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